Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Elevation Study

1st attempt was trying to take lines from the plans like what Prof. Cody had explained.

2nd attempt was using the window punchouts to create a grid

3rd attempt takes the line from the hidden structure behind the wall. This one helped form the next two

4th attempt is an addition to the 3rd adding more grid lines vertically and having those grid line try to complement the window punchouts

5th attempt doubles the grid lines and then started to break apart throughout the rest of the facade

Overall the I liked the 4th and 5th one but I plan on continuing with the 4th attempt. I think the continuous grid works well with the rest of the project and almost serves and as a "marco" grid to the wet space's "micro" grid

1 comment:

  1. Yow Josh, I like the process in these. Came out very nice sir! = )
